Creative Musical Nurture Groups

Help boost the resilience and confidence of your most vulnerable pupils through this exciting programme.

A Creative Musical Nurture Group (CMNG) is a weekly creative, instrumental music session for 3-5 children in KS2 or KS3. Participants are identified by schools as being vulnerable and at risk of poor outcomes due to mental health, behaviour, or general confidence difficulties.  Each CMNG programme consists of 10 weekly, 30-minute group sessions.

The CMNG provides a calm and nurturing environment where children can build their resilience and agency and develop a sense of belonging through music.

We are offering Creative Musical Nurture Groups because of the evidence of their impact shown in studies, such as the action research project at Hertfordshire Music Service, which demonstrated that CMNGs can help prevent exclusion.

CMNGs are an important part of our offer for children facing challenging circumstances in mainstream schools – with a focus on early intervention to avoid future exclusions.

It is essential that your school’s SENCO is involved at all times.

After you have expressed your interest, there will be an initial meeting 2 or 3 weeks before the term prior to delivery between the instrumental tutor, the music service inclusion manager or music area leader, the school music subject lead and SENCO to:

  • Identify 3-5 young people considered to be vulnerable and at risk of poor outcomes due to mental health, behaviour, or general confidence difficulties, who are interested to learn music in a small group. Ideally the young people will have compatible challenges and be close in age.
  • Ensure suitable accommodation is available in school for the sessions (quiet and enclosed), advise possible times for session, and available instruments, agree timetable.
  • Discuss pupil individual challenges, SENCO to brief tutor on what works best for each pupil, to help them adapt their practice as necessary.
  • SENCO to complete a simple and short baseline assessment and demographic information form for each pupil.
  • Discuss expectations for initial LSA/TA support within and between sessions.
  • Introduce evaluation methodology, triangulated report forms and process and timescale for completing these.
  • Establish which additional outcomes/indicators (social, personal) would be valued by school, which measures is the school already using to track efficacy of ‘interventions’ that may add value – e.g. Strengths and Difficulties scale, improving pupil attendance.

After the 10 weeks:

  • The tutor completes a music lesson report referring to the outcome’s framework form for each pupil, with input from SENCO, Pupil and the pupil’s parents.

Cost and funding

A CMNG of 3-5 children has a cost of £400, based around 1 term’s delivery – Dorset Music Hub will fund 25% of this cost so, for one group, schools need to pay £300 – however, for two groups, schools only pay £400.

If your school has difficulty funding the cost, you might like to investigate funding through your Local Alliance Group. These have been set up to enable community groups and organisations, early years settings, schools and individuals to request funding for community projects that support belonging for young people:

  • Local Alliance Groups include members who have a vested interest in making a difference in the lives of children and families. There are six local alliance groups in Dorset, each representing a different geographical area. The groups agree on priorities and create plans to improve things for children and young people in their local area.
  • Local Alliance Groups invite applicants to apply for funding up to £3000 for individual groups/schools. Consortium applications from a group of schools, individuals or organisations are also encouraged and will be able to apply for up to £20,000. Follow this link to the Dorset Council website for more information on Local Alliance Funding.

How do I get a CMNG started in my school?

If you have pupils who you think would benefit from a CMNG:

  1. Discuss this offer with your SENCo / Senior Leadership Team and gain approval, ensuring that your school has the funding in place.
  2. Contact us at to request your CMNG(s).

Once we receive your request, we will be in touch with further details about the next steps.