Within Reach – Young Creative Leaders Programme

This programme is an opportunity for young people aged 18-25 to receive training and support to develop skills in creative leadership and be ‘earning whilst learning’ with paid work experience placements during the school holiday periods.

We know lots of young people have creative ambitions and talent that their communities, and the wider creative industries, could benefit from.

We also know that barriers to a creative career come in many forms, and that these barriers are greater for young people who have already experienced challenges within education or are marginalised because of who they are or what they have experienced in life.

This programme will facilitate young people aged 18-25 to:

  • Follow a clear and supported pathway. through paid work experience and training, into employment within the arts sector
  • Expand their skills, knowledge and confidence in creative leadership through professional training and mentoring.
  • Consider their future creative aspirations, and receive personal guidance and pastoral support enabling them to fully benefit from the programme

We want to help put the creative ambitions of our Young Creative Leaders ‘within reach’ and expand their own creative practice into a potential career – and whilst supporting new opportunities for Dorset’s children to benefit from creative activities delivered by professional artists during the holidays.

Beginning in June 2024, with a residential training weekend for the WITHIN REACH Young Creative Leaders the project, will then move on to:

  • Shadowing opportunities for YCLs alongside established tutors, during the delivery periods of the established HAF and Artz+ holiday programmes over the summer, autumn and winter breaks.
  • On-going training, mentoring and development for the YCLs – including work experience at events and festivals throughout the summer.
  • On-going training, mentoring and development for the YCLs with a view towards moving onwards into work placements in Dorset based Arts organisations.